Midlands Christian Centre Ministries

How can we serve you?

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers.

Galations 6:10

Jesus is there for you and So are we.

Do you need support?
Contact our team at hoc@mccm.co.za

In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Hearts of Compassion has made a firm commitment to serving our community. Our team is actively working with local leaders and organizations in an effort to adopt partnerships that effectively assist those in need.

Community Resources

Elderly Care

As a team, we are doing our best to connect with church members over 65 years old. We may be physically disconnected for the time being, but that doesn’t mean we can’t maintain important relationships. If you are immunocompromised, disabled or elderly and are unable to leave your home to get a hold of basic necessities, please contact us for assistance.

Contact: bradley@mccm.co.za

Mental Health Care

Description: So many people today, including Christians, go through their everyday lives holding onto negative or uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. They live with anxiety, depression, shame or some form of mental illness and may be afraid to talk about it.

There is health and healing to be found.
Click here for more resources.

Bible Promises

God's Word is Full of Promises that will Encourage You
  • JEREMIAH 29:11
  • ROMANS 15:13
  • HEBREWS 6:18-19
  • 1 PETER 1:3
  • PSALM 39:7
  • PSALM 18:1-2
  • JOHN 16:33
  • ROMANS 8:38-39
  • ISAIAH 40:31
  • PSALM 40:1-3
  • 1 PETER 5:6-7
  • ISAIAH 43:1-3
  • PSALM 34:17
  • GALATIANS 5:22
  • PSALM 144:15
  • PSALM 118:24
  • PSALM 28:7
  • JOHN 16:22

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